Who are we
The Friends of Greenview and Pioneer Nature Area is an organization committed to the maintenance and improvement of the Greenview and Pioneer Woods Nature Areas in Ann Arbor as an ecologically functional open space. The Nature Area, which is owned by the Ann Arbor Public Schools and is managed by the City of Ann Arbor and Friends of Greenview, includes meadows, woodlands, pond, and community garden. The site provides a great variety of habitats for native plants and animals.

How to support us
Please consider supporting Friends of Greenview And Pioneer. We welcome donations to help support our activities including native landscape restoration, trail maintenance and invasive species control.
The Friends of Greenview and Pioneer Nature Area is a 501(c)(3).
What we do
The Friends of Greenview and Pioneer Nature Area promotes the native landscape restoration of this unique resource, encourages use of the property for environmental and outdoor education activities by the Ann Arbor Public Schools, and recognizes the importance of the property as a nature area for area residents.
The Friends of Greenview and Pioneer Nature Area has received 501(c)3 status. The organization has been in existence for over twenty years and has been actively involved in the improvement of the nature area.

The Friends have planted trees, established an edible garden, conducted meadow restorations, cleared invasive buckthorn and maintained trails. The group has an elected Board of Directors and conducts an annual meeting as well as quarterly Board meetings.

With the assistance of staff from the City of Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation, the Friends organizes work days. We encourage area residents and neighbors to attend these work days and to enjoy this important nature area.
You can sign up to become a member and receive our newsletter in your inbox
Special thanks
Thanks to Brendan Chard for sponsoring this website.
Contact us if you have any questions or comments.
President – Don Wortman: dwortman@cwaplan.com
Treasurer – Bob Kipp
Park Steward – Dave Rink
Webmaster/Communications – Aleksandra Deegan

All content © 2023 Greenview Park.