The Frog Meadow refers to the area which borders the wetlands to the west, canal to the east, trail on the south and treeline to the north. Many species of amphibians live at Greenview. You will find American Toad, Gray Tree Frog, Green Frog and an occasional Chorus and Wood Frog.
The wetland and the pond are the hub of activity for birds, toads and frogs throughout the spring. Many types of birds, such as Red-winged black birds, Cardinals and Blue Jays, nest in the thickets near the pond and fill the park with their song. In May calls of toads and frogs can be heard in the wetland and in the woods. Listen to the sounds of frogs here:
The pond is a perfect spot for a relaxing visit and obsering wildlife and seasonal changes. Cold winter temperatures freeze the pond and it then becomes a hub of activity as the neighborhood ice skaters venture onto the ice.
Wetland Meadow Restoration
Here’s what Friends have done to restore the meadow:
NAP provided native grasses from city parks for the meadow. The area has been seeded with the hopes of controlling invasives like Buckthorn.
Plugs of native grasses were planted in the meadow:
- Sorghastrum nutans or Indian Grass, a warm season grass
- Schizachyrium scoparius or Little Blue Stem, a warm season grass
- Carex gracillima or Graceful Sedge, a cold season sedge
- Carex bicknellii or Prairie Sedge, a cold season sedge

Controlled burns and mowing the meadow has helped keep woody invasives like buckthorn under control.
*click here to learn more about buckthorn
Northern Leopard Frog Habitat Restoration Effort
The Friends of Greenview & Pioneer Nature Areas worked in conjunction with local herpetologist David Mifsud and Natural Area Preservation (NAP) to restore habitat located in the Frog Meadow with hopes of translocating egg masses of the Northern Leopard Frog to the meadow.
Greenview Park is an excellent location to establish the frog because it meets the three basic habitat requirements:
- Sunny shallow wetland for reproduction.
- Grassland which provides food source (insects) and habitat for adults and juveniles.
- Deep pond for frogs to burrow in the mud during winter.

Northern Leopard Frog characteristics
Green or brown in color with 2-4 rows of dark round spots of irregular sizes on back and sides with white belly and chin. Breeding starts when temperatures reach above 65 degrees. At that time, males give a snore call followed by a series of clucks.

Why translocate the Northern Leopard frog to Greenview Park?
The Northern Leopard Frog’s populations have decreased significantly over the last 30-50 years due to its sensitivity to toxins and loss of habitat in Michigan.